New year, new you

Happy new year!

So, here we are, 2022! Time's passing sooo fast. While I've spent the last few months mainly reading loads of scientific articles and trying to test a few ideas, this year I have to get serious about it. After all, I'm just another employee with some deliverables. And those are not only set by my supervisors but also within the projects that I am participating in.

Since I'm a PhD STUDENT, I will also have to take some classes this year which I am very much looking forward to, particularly the ones on statistical learning and integrated assessment models. In addition, I will also be standing on the other side of the camera (or class room, depending on the corona measures...), as I will contribute to the teaching of the course on input-output analysis.

And then there are all these other things that need to be organised: snowboarding trips, the next Inde-Conversation, holidays at home, looking for a new place to stay etc.

2022 is not gonna be boring, it seems like.