So, that was it?!

COP26 is over - and disappointed! In these turbulent times, it would have been great to find some consensus on the urgency of climate action and to finally get started with it. Instead, the resulting Glasgow Climate Pact is a weak paper, perpetuating the all too well known blah-blah-blah.

Of course, not everything is bad. A few alliances were forged, a little financial aid was granted, and more pledges were announced. But still, countires that have contributed least to global warming are going to be hit hardest while dependencies from the colonial era are still being preserved.

Anyway, this article by CarbonBrief sums up the climate summit perfectly. In addition, I would like to highlight the excellent speeches by Sir David Attenborough and Barbados PM Mia Mottley. And if anyone wants to get started with "my country emits less than 2% of global emissions" - please, please, have a look at this video!

Over and out 🤐